NUANS Search Request

We accept the following methods of payment:


Last name:


Address 1:

Address 2:



Postal code:

Phone number:

Email address:

Type of Nuans Report? (Please choose from the list below):

Maximum of two names to be searched per Nuans request -- Only one report will be ordered. Ensure you use a proper legal element in your name.

Ordering a Nuans report includes the pre-screen of that name with payment for the full report, but it does not guarantee that the name will be good to use. The purpose of the report is to determine any potential conflicts, and we cannot always see the conflicts prior to ordering the report due to limitations in the pre-screening databases.

We do not pre-screen endless names in the hope of finding one without conflicts unless you are paying for the pre-screens. Choose wisely, Letters and Initials with words like Enterprises or Holdings are very common and will not yield good results.

The report will be ordered on the 1st choice if it appears clear on the pre-screen, If Choice #1 does not appear clear, we will pre-screen the second choice and if clear order the report.

You may choose to only have your choices pre-screened at this time, no report will be ordered without further payment for a full report -- we will send you an email to advise as to whether or not either name is a good choice and free of potential conflicts.

First Choice of Name:

Second Choice of Name:

Line of business:


Fax is not available:


